The Creation Story blog series was inspired by our children's book - Timeless Tales From The Bible: 6 Days of Creation and God's Promise of Rest. 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 14 - Jehovah Raah

Introduction - In the tapestry of divine names within the Bible, "Jehovah Raah," translating to "The Lord Is My Shepherd," offers a profoundly intimate glimpse into the relational dynamic between God and His people. This name, more than any other, captures the essence of God's care, guidance, and protection over His flock. As we explore "Jehovah Raah," we uncover the depths of God's nurturing love, a theme that resonates through the ages and speaks directly to the soul's yearning for divine leadership and comfort. This exploration into the nature of God as Jehovah Raah illuminates the profound relationship characterized by trust, dependency, and intimate knowledge. Unlike the distant deity often perceived in various religious traditions, Jehovah Raah portrays a God who is deeply involved in the minutiae of our daily lives, akin to a shepherd's constant presence with his sheep. This portrayal invites us to relinquish our illusions of control and instead embrace a posture of trust 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 13 - Jehovah Sabaoth

Introduction - In our journey through the divine names of God, we now turn our attention to "Jehovah Sabaoth," a name that resonates with power and authority. Translated as "The Lord of Hosts," this title reveals an aspect of God often overlooked in modern spirituality – His supreme command over all the heavenly armies. This exploration will not only deepen our understanding of God’s omnipotence but also reassure us of His active involvement in the complexities of the world and our personal lives. Delving into the name "Jehovah Sabaoth" is particularly relevant in our contemporary context, where feelings of powerlessness and uncertainty are prevalent. In a world that often seems ruled by chaos and conflict, the notion of a supreme, celestial commander offers a profound sense of stability and hope. This name of God invites us to reconsider our understanding of divine power, not just as a distant, abstract force, but as a present and active influence in the fabric of our daily existence. It reminds us that behind the apparent randomness and turmoil of worldly 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 12 - Jehovah Shalom

Introduction - In the exploration of the divine names of God, we've come to encounter a myriad of facets revealing His character and His relationship with humanity. Today we delve into the name "Jehovah Shalom," which translates to "The Lord is Peace." This name's richness offers a glimpse into God's unique role as the bringer of peace, a quality much needed in a world full of turmoil. To fully appreciate the depth of the name Jehovah Shalom, we must understand the extensive reach that the term "peace" has in Hebrew culture. Unlike our narrow understanding of peace as merely the absence of conflict, the Hebrew concept of "Shalom" extends to the unity of wellness, prosperity, and harmonious relationship with others. This comprehensive view of peace is intrinsically tied to Jehovah Shalom and aims at fulfilling the human longing for tranquility in all dimensions of life. The world we live in is fraught with challenges—conflicts, pandemics, social inequality, and personal 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 11 - Jehovah Mekoddishkem

Introduction - The names of God reveal not only His character but His intimate relationship with His people. In this post, we will delve into one such powerful name - Jehovah Mekoddishkem, meaning "The Lord Who Sanctifies You." This name unveils a sacred aspect of God's relationship with His people and conveys the powerful transformation that occurs when we allow Him to shape our lives. Sanctification is a concept that is integral to the Christian faith, but what does it mean to be sanctified? How does God, as Jehovah Mekoddishkem, interact with us in this process? Through the examination of the biblical texts, historical context, and personal application, we will gain a deeper understanding of this beautiful name. Understanding Jehovah Mekoddishkem involves more than a theological exploration; it requires us to delve into the very heart of our faith. It calls us to recognize the continual work of God in our lives, setting us apart for a unique purpose and molding us according to His divine

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 10 - Jehovah Nissi

Introduction - Understanding the diverse and profound names of God helps believers navigate through the complexities of faith, illuminating the multi-dimensional aspects of His nature. Each name resonates with particular attributes, emotions, or situations. One such name that echoes triumph, protection, and the Lord's supremacy in battles is "Jehovah Nissi." This name, translated as "The Lord is My Banner," is more than a metaphor or a symbolic expression. It is a declarative proclamation of faith, a rallying cry, and a testament to God's sovereign control over our lives. This blog aims to delve into the origin of Jehovah Nissi, its biblical context, the implications, and its contemporary reflections. Our exploration of the name "Jehovah Nissi" will serve as an encouragement to those in the midst of spiritual warfare or personal struggle. Through understanding this particular facet of God's character, believers can find reassurance in God's protection and leadership, as well as a deeper connection with His divine presence. The term "banner" in ancient times

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 9 - Jehovah Rapha

Introduction - Health and well-being are fundamental desires of the human condition, representing both the absence of disease and a holistic state of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. These yearnings are universal, spanning all ages, races, and cultures. In our contemporary society, the importance of health and well-being has become even more apparent as we navigate the complexities and challenges of modern life. Against this backdrop, the concept of a divine entity with the ability to restore and heal resonates with people's deepest hopes. Indeed, one profound aspect of God’s character that addresses these desires is embodied in the compound name Jehovah Rapha, which translates to "The Lord Who Heals." This name invites us to explore a divine dimension to our struggles and our yearnings for health and restoration, providing a spiritual perspective to our physical and emotional experiences. In this post, we'll delve deeper into the origins and implications of this name. We will traverse through the biblical landscapes where this name was revealed

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 8 - Jehovah Jireh

Introduction - In our ongoing exploration of the diverse and multifaceted names of God, we now approach a divine title that illuminates the benevolent provision of our Lord. As we uncover the depth of the name Jehovah Jireh, translated as "The Lord Will Provide," we encounter a God who supplies our needs, often in unexpected and extraordinary ways. The name Jehovah Jireh is a clarion call to recognize the ceaseless outpouring of God's love and mercy. It presents a God who is not distant and uninvolved but one who sees our needs and acts. Jehovah Jireh reassures us that no concern is too insignificant for God's attention, and no need is too great for His supply. It also challenges us to expand our understanding of provision beyond our material needs to include emotional, relational, and spiritual sustenance. It is a name that bears witness to God's active involvement in the world He created and the lives of the people He loves. It invokes images of manna from heaven (Exodus 16:15), water from 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 7 - El Roi

Introduction - Embarking on a deep dive into the character of God as revealed through His names, we find ourselves confronted with a deeply intimate aspect of His nature in the name El Roi. This name, resonating with compassion and attention, stands as a testament to God's unfailing presence in our lives, His unwavering attention to our joys and sorrows, our victories and defeats, our hopes and fears. El Roi, meaning "The God Who Sees," is an assurance of His perpetual gaze upon us, a comforting affirmation that we are never invisible, never ignored, and never insignificant in His eyes. The exploration of this unique and profound name takes us on a journey through time, tracing its origins in ancient Hebrew, tracking its appearances and context in biblical narratives, and reflecting on its implications and relevance. Notably, this journey isn't confined to the historical and scriptural realms; it extends into our contemporary world, crossing the threshold of abstract theological 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 6 - El Olam

Introduction - Welcome back to our enriching journey of discovering the diverse names of God. Today, we delve into the exploration of another Hebrew name for God - El Olam, which translates to "The Everlasting God" or "The Eternal God." This name, filled with profound implications, speaks volumes about the nature of God and His relationship with us. The concept of eternity is a challenging one for human minds to grasp. Yet, in the Bible, we see this concept attached to the character of God. This denotes His timeless existence, which extends infinitely into the past and future, transcending all bounds of time and space. In this blog post, we will explore the origin and meaning of El Olam. We will look at biblical instances where God is referred to by this name and reflect upon what this name tells us about God's character. By doing so, we will gain a deeper understanding of God's infinite nature and everlasting faithfulness. This understanding should provide us with comfort and assurance as we 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 5 - El Elyon

Introduction: Understanding El Elyon - When exploring the multifaceted nature of God’s character through His names, we journey towards a deeper and more enriched understanding of who He is. This exploration takes us on a voyage of discovery, as each of His names reveals a new facet of His nature, a different aspect of His character, or a distinct role He plays in our lives. It is akin to the facets of a diamond, each reflecting light in its unique way, yet collectively creating a stunning brilliance that captivates the viewer. One of the profound names of God that we encounter in this journey is El Elyon, which translates to "The Most-High God". This name, infused with reverence and awe, resonates with the majesty and supremacy of God. It is an affirmation of His absolute sovereignty, His exalted status, and His transcendent power. It conveys the message that God is not just a ruler, but the highest of all rulers; not just a king, but the King of all kings. This name is first introduced in the Bible in

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 4 - El Shaddai

Introduction: The Significance of El Shaddai - We have journeyed from the general Semitic term for God, "El," through the profoundly personal name of God, "Yahweh," or "Jehovah." Now, we continue on this spiritual exploration, approaching the glorious splendor of the name - "El Shaddai." "El Shaddai" is traditionally translated as "God Almighty," but its rich layers of meaning extend far beyond that. The name signifies God's absolute power, His sovereignty, and His sufficiency to meet all our needs. "El Shaddai" paints the picture of an all-powerful God who is more than capable of fulfilling His promises and accomplishing His purposes. To fully appreciate "El Shaddai," we must take a step back and contemplate the grandeur of what it conveys – “The Almighty one,” meaning that there is nothing greater than He. He towers higher than the “highest” heights, He exudes strength and power greater than the “greatest” powers, He stands immovable, a reassuring presence amidst the shifting 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 3 - Jehovah/Yaweh

Introduction - Welcome back to our ongoing series: "Rediscovering Divinity: A Reintroduction to the Names of God." After exploring the name "El" and its compound forms, we are turning our attention to another significant name of God in the Bible: "Jehovah/Yahweh". This name holds a special place in the Old Testament and is deeply connected to the identity and covenantal relationship of God with His people, Israel. In this post, we will delve into the origin, meaning, and context of "Jehovah/Yahweh" and reflect on its enduring significance for us today. As we continue on this journey of exploration, we hope to shed light on how each name provides an intimate portrayal of God, uncovering a multitude of His attributes. The name "Jehovah/Yahweh" uniquely embodies God's eternal existence, His self-sufficiency, and His steadfast faithfulness to His promises. It offers a glimpse into the depth of God's character and the scope of His divine actions. We invite you to join us 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 2 - The Name EL

Introduction - Welcome back to our insightful series, "Rediscovering Divinity: A Reintroduction to the Names of God." We are indeed on a rewarding journey, uncovering the layers of significance embedded in the divine names. In our previous blog, we set the stage for this deep dive into the various names of God used in the scriptures, sparking a sense of anticipation and curiosity about the revelations yet to unfold. Today, we build upon that foundation as we turn our attention to a name that is arguably one of the most fundamental in scripture: "El." Just as a child grows to understand the complexity of their parents' roles—provider, protector, guide, and much more—we too, through this exploration, are expanding our perception of God, and in doing so, deepening our relationship with Him. This enriching exploration of "El" will not just be an academic exercise. Our aim is to foster a more profound, personal understanding of 

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Rediscovering Divinity pt 1 - A Reintroduction

An Introduction - Greetings and welcome to our new revelatory blog series, "Rediscovering Divinity: A Reintroduction to the Names of God." This series aims to take a deeper, nuanced look at a multitude of names that the Bible attributes to God. These names, granted through divine revelation or human insight, act as a prism reflecting the multi-faceted nature and character of God. They provide us with glimpses into His transcendence and immanence, His might and mercy, His sovereignty and love. The goal of this exploration is not merely academic or theological; it is, at its core, profoundly personal and spiritual. It seeks to inspire wonder, deepen faith, and strengthen our relationship with God. With each name, we open a new window into understanding God, offering fresh insights into His identity and interaction with His creation. Moreover, as we embark on this journey, we invite you to join us in this

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Identity pt 8: The Transformative Power of Our Identity in Christ.

Introduction - Our identity in Jesus Christ wields a transformative power - a profound enablement capable of delving deep into our hearts, mending wounds, renewing perspectives, and shattering the fetters of past hurts and regrets. This power is rooted in God's infinite love, and it paves the way for a life of healing, growth, and purpose because we are children of the almighty God. Philippians 4:13 tells us that we are able to do all things, even get healed from past hurts because of Jesus Christ who gives us strength to do. As we step into this eighth and final installment of our Identity Blog Series, we immerse ourselves in the understanding and appreciation of the transformative power vested in our Christ-centered identity. We'll unravel how this identity equips us to conquer the daunting shadows of past hurts and regrets, and how it emboldens us to reclaim our true selves. We 

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Identity pt 7: From Gender Confusion to Divine Design.

Introduction - The complexities of identity extend to many facets of our being, including our gender. In a society where gender confusion is increasingly prevalent, it becomes vital to return to the divine blueprint for understanding our unique identities. In this seventh installment of our Identity Blog Series, we will delve into the biblical perspective of gender, the societal and personal implications of gender confusion, and the importance of recognizing and living out God's purpose for our unique identities. As we unravel these issues, we invite you to join us in re-affirming our God-given gender identity and embracing His divine plan for our lives. It is vital to remember that our identities are not random assortments but divine blueprints. We are not designed to live in confusion about our gender identity, any more than a microphone is designed to function as a fly swatter. 

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Identity pt 6: Unmasking and Combating False Identity.

Introduction - In a world increasingly influenced by societal norms and cultural expectations, we often find ourselves caught in the crossfire between who we are and who society expects us to be. These societal constructs can subtly or overtly shape our identity, often leading us to adopt false perceptions of ourselves. In this enlightening installment of our Identity Blog Series, we'll explore the false identity constructs perpetuated by society and culture, the consequences of embracing these false identities, the Biblical guidance for recognizing and rejecting these constructs, and strategies for promoting truth and authentic identity within our communities. Join us as we unmask these false identities and re-affirm our identity in Christ.

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Identity pt 5: Navigating Social Media and Its Impact on Identity.

Introduction - In our fast-paced digital world, social media has become a significant part of our daily lives, playing a major role in shaping our perception of ourselves and others. While it can be a valuable tool for connecting with friends and family, sharing updates, and even spreading the Gospel, it can also have a profound impact on our identity, especially when it comes to seeking validation and affirmation from others. In this blog post, we will discuss the role of social media in shaping our perception of ourselves and others, the potential dangers of seeking validation and identity through social media, strategies for using social media in a way that aligns with our identity in Christ and encouraging healthy online habits and positive engagement with others. Join us as we navigate the complexities of social

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Identity pt 4: The Role of the Church and Christian Community.

Introduction - As Christians, understanding and embracing our identity in Christ is crucial for our spiritual growth and well-being. However, our journey of faith is not meant to be a solitary endeavor. The church and Christian community play a vital role in helping us to embrace our God-given identity, and also helping us live out our God-given purpose. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of the church and Christian community in our spiritual journey, discuss how they can help us understand and embrace our identity in Christ, highlight the potential pitfalls of seeking identity outside the Christian community, and share practical tips for building strong, Christ-centered relationships within the church and community. Delve into the

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Identity pt 3: Created in His Image.

Introduction - In a world filled with conflicting messages about identity and purpose, it's essential to recognize and embrace our God-given identity as being created in His image. Our identity as Christians is rooted in our relationship with God and in His divine design. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of being created in God's image, the inherent value and worth it bestows upon us, and the unique role we have in His creation. We will also identify cultural influences that obscure our understanding of our true identity and examine how to counteract these influences by turning to Scripture, prayer, and fellowship. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies for reclaiming our God-given identity and living it out amidst a culture of confusion, empowering us to walk confidently in our faith and fulfill the 

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Identity pt 2: Understanding Our Identity in Christ.

Introduction - In today's world, the concept of identity has become a prevalent issue, with many people grappling to define who they are and where they belong. As Christians, however, we find our true identity in Christ. Understanding and embracing our identity in Christ is crucial for our spiritual growth and serves as the foundation of the Christian life. In this blog post, we will explore the root of identity in Christ, its significance for our spiritual growth, examine biblical examples of transformed identities, and discuss practical ways to embrace and live out our identity in Christ.

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Identity pt 1: An Introduction.

Let me begin with a disclaimer, so no assumptions are made as you read this. God commands all believers, to love everybody, and I do. Nothing that I write here today should be taken as hate, as I do not hate anybody. I disagree with people whose ideas are different from what the Bible prescribes as the standard for everyone. So regardless of the walk of life you come from, if you have a non-biblical worldview and you disagree with biblical prescriptions, then I disagree with your non-biblical worldview and the ideas that emanate from it. Having said all that, it is important for "believers and followers" of Jesus Christ to remember Ephesians 6:12, which says that our fight is not with people (we are to love people because God loves people) but

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 7.

DAY 7 - It is established that on the seventh day God ceased from His work of creation. In doing this, He set a powerful example for us to live by as a guiding principle. Today, in a world that often demands constant activity and productivity, the biblical concept of Sabbath rest can seem counterintuitive to some or even forgotten by others. However, the Sabbath is a vital aspect of our spiritual well-being, a time to reconnect with our Creator and recharge our bodies, minds, spirits and souls. As parents, it should be our mission to instill in our children the importance of finding rest in God and embracing the gift of Sabbath rest, which will nurture their relationship with God and provide a solid foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life. 

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 6.

DAY 6 - Welcome to our latest blog post in this enlightening series, where we explore the biblical creation story to help children embrace their unique identity and purpose rooted in God. In this post, we focus on Day 6 of creation, when God made mankind in His image, bestowing upon us a distinct identity and divine mission. Discover practical guidance for parents to support their children in uncovering their identity in Christ and fulfilling God's extraordinary purpose for their lives. As we examine Genesis 1:26-31, we emphasize the significance of recognizing God-given talents, learning from purpose-driven biblical figures, and fostering a personal relationship with God. Empower your

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 5.

DAY 5 - Welcome to the fifth installment of our transformative blog series, where we glean practical wisdom from the biblical account of creation to foster an abundant life for our children. In today's post, we examine the richness and diversity of life brought forth on Day 5 of creation and reveal the importance of nurturing a deep and lasting relationship with God for true fulfillment. Join us as we delve into Genesis 1:20-23 and explore how, as parents, we can guide our children toward discovering the abundance of life that reflects God's infinite love and wisdom. Let's focus on fostering spiritual growth, helping our children develop a personal relationship with their Creator, and empowering them to live lives filled with purpose, joy, and a deep sense 

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 4.

DAY 4 - Welcome back to our insightful blog series, where we uncover valuable life lessons from the biblical account of creation. In today's post, we delve into the fourth day of creation, when God created the sun, moon, and stars, filling the sky with celestial wonders. Join us as we explore Genesis 1:14-19, and learn how to cultivate awe and wonder in our children's hearts, fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty and majesty of God's creation. Discover practical ways to help your children develop a stronger relationship with their Creator, inspiring them to live their lives with gratitude, reverence, and love for the One who made it all. As we dive into the wonders of the universe, let us embrace the opportunity to nurture our children's 

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 3.

DAY 3 - Welcome back to our enlightening blog series, where we draw practical life lessons from the biblical account of creation. Today, we're diving into Day 3, focusing on how God prepared the earth and brought forth vegetation. This act set the foundation for the abundance and variety of life on the earth. In this post, we'll discover the importance of laying a solid spiritual foundation for our children's faith to grow, providing them with the tools they need to cultivate a strong and enduring relationship with God. Join us as we delve into Genesis 1:9-13 and explore the valuable insights we can glean from this remarkable day of creation, shaping the spiritual lives of our children and empowering them to navigate life's challenges with grace and

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 2.

DAY 2 - In this second installment of our 7-day journey through the creation story, we delve into the lessons we can learn from God's work on the second day. As we explore Genesis 1:6-8, we discover how God established boundaries, balance, and stewardship within His creation by separating the waters and forming the sky. This divine act emphasizes the importance of setting healthy boundaries, maintaining balance in our lives, and embracing our roles as stewards of God's creation. As parents, we have the responsibility to impart these values to our children, helping them develop strong relationships, achieve personal well-being, and understand their God-given roles as caretakers of His creation. Join us as we examine the practical applications of these 

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Creation Story: Lessons for Families - DAY 1.

DAY 1 - As parents, one of our primary responsibilities is to instill strong spiritual values in our children. The Bible serves as an invaluable resource for guiding our lives and provides us with timeless wisdom to pass down to the next generation. One of the most fundamental and captivating stories in the Bible is the creation story, which beautifully illustrates the power, wisdom, and love of God as He brought the universe into existence. In our fast-paced, modern world, it can sometimes be challenging to find ways to connect with our children on a deeper, spiritual level. However, by exploring the creation story together, we can not only strengthen our family bonds but also learn valuable life lessons that can be applied in our daily lives.

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Statement from the Founder.

Many years ago, when God first shared the mission of "Insight in Everything" with me, there was no name, and I had no idea what shape it would take, but I did sense its unique significance. The lack of clarity made it easy for the vision to linger in the back of my mind, occasionally even being forgotten. The vision was muddled, leaving me unsure of how to progress from point A to point B, particularly for a young man who was just starting off in life. The compelling concept of establishing a media company to enrich lives through wholesome, engaging, and biblically inspired content was present, yet the roadmap to achieve it appeared uncertain. The noise of everyday life often made it difficult to hear God's voice or maintain a clear vision.

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